Residential Window Tinting


Residential Window Tinting

Windows play an important part in every person home, from the light they let into the view they reveal. However, they also create a host of problems, ranging from excessive glare, heat build-up and high energy costs to the premature fading of carpets, furniture and draperies.

In Malaysia, we have all round hot weather and heat is always a constant problem. By placing residential window tinting, we can save on energy consumption and cut down glare damages to our furniture. Tinted Johor window films are proven to lower heating and cooling expenses by rejecting solar heat from the outside and eliminating hot and cold spots inside.

For office buildings and other commercial establishments, it is crucial to have window tinting to save on energy consumption and protection of goods from sun damage.

Tinted Johor also has various window films that can protect you, your home and your office space. With so many types and variants of window films available, you need not sacrifice your view as you can select subtle shades so that you can still enjoy your lovely view.

Houses in Malaysia commonly have the ceiling to floor sliding glass windows, and of course, bedroom windows and these are easy access to burglars. Our erratic weather is also prone to floods, thunderstorms and extreme heat.

Tinted Johor offers you a peace of mind with various window films that serves to protect your home and your commercial establishment from burglaries and the hazardous weather. The safety films offered are top of the range products and professionally installed.

Reflective Series
Visible Light Transmittance 5% – 50%
Ultra-Violet Rejection 99%
Insulation 80% & above
Nano Ceramic
Visible Light Transmittance 15% – 80%
Ultra-Violet Rejection 99%
Insulation 50% ~ 90%
IR Film
Visible Light Transmittance 30% – 80%
Ultra-Violet Rejection 99%
Insulation 50% ~ 99%

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